Churchill-Canfield's Law: What Can Go Right Will Go Right

Announcing the publication of the newest book
by Cheryl Canfield, Author of Profound Healing and
Randal Churchill, Author of Regression Hypnotherapy
Churchill-Canfield's Law: What Can Go Right Will Go Right Book Cover

Churchill-Canfield's Law: What Can Go Right Will Go Right is a worthy addition to Randal Churchill's classic hypnotherapy texts. It is an empowering and inspiring look at the incredible potential of our own minds to create lives of meaning and purpose. It contains many insights on the psychological Laws of Mind: what we focus on we tend to manifest. Therefore, as Murphy's Law professes, when our attitude and focus is on the negative we tend to manifest the negative. The converse is a compelling demonstration of the power of the mind: when our attitude and focus is positive we tend to manifest the positive.

Research and science show the validity of the mind-body connection. The reality is that we are not hardwired to be a certain way for the duration of our lives and our genes do not pre-determine a certain path or outcome. We are constantly adapting and changing. The creative power of our thinking gives us tremendous ability to shift from powerless to powerful by changing the way we think.

When transformational practices like visualization, meditation and self-hypnosis are employed, outcomes can break through limitation to boundless possibilities. This book is built around several themes. First, a recognition of our inherent potential to tap into a greater awareness, giving unlimited access to intellectual and creative aspects of the mind. Second, glimpses into historical and biographical stories that serve as a foundation upon which to enrich and transform the quality of life. Third, simple examples and exercises that begin to open a vision for personal direction, focus and purpose - not just for one's self, but as a meaningful part of the whole.

244 Pages, 37 Chapters
Chapter 1 as a sample 
Printed on acid-free natural recycled paper with soy based ink 
Publisher: Transforming Press, ISBN: 978-0-9656218-5-4 

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"What Can Go Right Will Go Right" is a concept that Randal Churchill developed and first introduced to HTI classes in the 1970's as a positive spin on the humorous satire, Murphy's Law. In time, Randal and Cheryl were inspired to expand the concept into a book that has been many years in the making - and we are so pleased to share this new book with you now.

We have pulled from many of our personal experiences, our passion for hypnotherapy and its healing power, our shared perspectives and differences. It has been a journey through some of the hardest and best of what life has taught us and what we've learned from those who we've been honored to teach, counsel and work with.

We've included our own stories as well those of many others to demonstrate the capacity for healing and growth that is inherent in our human experience. Understanding the power and richness of our own minds to facilitate positive change and creativity is at the core of effective hypnotherapy training and understanding. As we understand more fully the almost limitless boundaries of our own minds we learn to use our tremendous creative potential to create rich and empowered lives, filled with purpose and meaning.

Throughout this book we highlight the importance of directing the creative power of the mind to keep our focus on what we want to happen, opening our ability to manifest all of the good things we would like to occur for ourselves and others. In addition to its value for personal growth, it is intended to be a valuable resource for counselors, therapists, teachers, and those in the helping professions to further develop a transformational framework for teaching elevating and positive viewpoints with clientele or students. Hence, this will be an additional text for our Level 1 classes.